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Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011 19:24:15
Kopertis Region V To Visit Sanata Dharma Polytechnic of Mechatronics

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Monday (9 / 5) at the Campus III Sanata Dharma Kopertis Region V Yogyakarta team held opening visitation of Mechatronics Polytechnic of Sanata Dharma. The team which is chaired by Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyadi, CES., DEA. beside listening to presentations by Ignatius Deradjad Pranowo, SS, M. Eng. also held a debriefing and review of the physical facilities owned by Mechatronics Study Program pf SDU. In the discussion, presented Sanata Dharma Foundation readiness to back up of Rp 540 million funds per semester per study program for six semesters (9.72 billion rupiahs for three study program). From of teaching staff, now there are 10 lecturers (Master Degree), five lecturers (Bachelor degree, three lecturers (D3).The team was ready to add three more polytechnic lecturers S1.  

Mechatronics Polytechnic Sanata Dharma (will) have three levels of Diploma courses-III, namely: Mechatronics, Medical Instrumentation, and Mechatronics Product Design. Mechatronics Study Program had been opened and has a permit since 1998 (no. 149/Dikti/Kep/1998) and have gotten three times the extension of operating license and Accreditation from BAN-PT. Two other Study Programs (study program in the filing of the opening of a new license) became a minimal requirement for the establishment of a polytechnic (three study programs). The permits establishment process of the polytechnics has been started since the submission of a proposal to the Director of Academic Director General of Higher Education on September 17, 2007. The Revision and completeness of the proposal also has several times submitted. On May 5, 2011, the Polytechnic founder team was asked for a presentation in front of Higher Education team. The visitation by Kopertis Region V Yogyakarta would produce recommendations on the feasibility and readiness of the establishment of a new study program to the Directorate of Higher Education.

Mechatronics is the integration of mechanical technology, electronics, and informatics. We have had a lot of industries are applying technology in mechatronics. When all processes of production / manufacturing uses this technology, then most of the workforce required by an industry are those who are experts in the field of mechatronics.

Medical Instrumentation is the application of electronics engineering, machinery, information, and measurement techniques in an effort to build a device that will be used to make the process of patient monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of a disease. Computers are a vital component in the world of medical instrumentation, ranging from the microcontroller in a specific medical device to a microcomputer that is used to process information in a medical imaging system.

Mechatronics Product Design is a branch of science that will provide and meet the needs of more value to a product that will enhance the sale value, function, and safety. Values ??over a product can be tangible packaging, ergonomics, beauty / aesthetics, as desired by the modern market.  Mechatronics Product Design study program students will learn to develop ideas, concepts and implementation initiating a process of manufacturing and testing of a mechatronics product. (BST)