Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011 20:10:34
The Inauguration of the Mechatronics Polytechnic of Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
Monday, 05 / 9 Kopertis V Coordinator, Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyadi, CES, DEA was pleased to inaugurate the Mechatronics Polytechnic of Sanata Dharma Campus in Paingan, Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The establishment of the Polytechnic may eventually be given by the Minister of National Education with SK. No.175/E/O/2011 and effective since August 11, 2011. Also attending the inauguration ceremony of the Kopertis Coordinator V (and some staffs), members of Sanata Dharma Foundation Board, the Executive Board of Sanata Dharma (Rector and Vice Rectors). The entire structural CAD environment, as well as the staff & the students of Mechatronics. In the first part of the agenda opened with a Thanksgiving Eucharist offered by six concelebrant namely: Rm. A. Budi Susanto S.J., Rm. H. van Opzeeland S.J., Rm. P. Wiryono Priyotamtama S.J., Rm. J. Ageng Marwata S.J., Rm. A.Gustawan S.J., Rm. M. Sumarno S.J. Homily delivered by Fr. Opzeeland SJ, the Eucharist could be accomplished in an atmosphere full of gratitude because ultimately Mechatronics Polytechnic of Sanata Dharma, which has been long awaited and sought, can be realized thanks to the Grace and Divine Will. It involved a lot of people / parties who have been working together since the beginning of the proposal permits the establishment of polytechnics submission were prepared. In the next section, Chairman of the Sanata Dharma Foundation, A. Budi Susanto SJ, Ph.D., was pleased to inaugurate the first official Director of the Polytechnic. The selected Director of the Polytechnic is Ign. Deradjad Pranowo, M. Eng. sworn in by saying the promise of Position and accompanied by two witnesses. In the closing part, were delivered speeches from the new Director of the Polytechnic, Rector of SDU, Chairman of the Foundation, and Kopertis V Coordinator was at once was pleased to unveil the polytechnics board name as the symbol of the opening of the Mechatronics Polytechnic of Sanata Dharma officially. Thus, the Mechatronics Polytechnic is ready for operation beginning this academic year 2011/2012. Mechatronics Polytechnic of Sanata Dharma has three Study Program (Prodi) Diploma-III levels, namely: Mechatronics, Medical Instrumentation, and Mechatronics Product Design. Seeing from the history, Mechatronics Study Program already has a permit since 1998 with Decree No. 149/Dikti/Kep/1998. The two other study programs are opening new study program opening permission application that become conditions of establishment of a polytechnic which should have three study programs. Mechatronics is the integration of mechanical technology, electronics, and informatics. We have had a lot of industries are applying technology in mechatronics. When all processes of production / manufacturing uses this technology, then most of the workforce required by an industry are those who are experts in the field of mechatronics. Medical Instrumentation is the application of electronics engineering, machinery, information, and measurement techniques in an effort to build a device that will be used to make the process of patient monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of a disease. Computers are vital components in the world of medical instrumentation, ranging from the microcontroller in a specific medical device to a microcomputer that is used to process information in a medical imaging system. Mechatronics Product Design is a branch of science that will provide and meet the needs of added value to a product that will enhance the value, function, and safety. Values ??over a product can be tangible packaging, ergonomist, beauty / aesthetics, as desired by the modern market. Mechatronics Product Design study program students will learn to develop ideas, concepts and implementation initiating a process of manufacturing and testing of a mechatronics product. (IPN)