Teknologi Rekayasa Mekatronika
Teknologi Elektromedis
Program Studi
Civitas Akademika
Desain Proses Otomasi
Manufaktur Komponen
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Agus Siswoyo, ST., MT.

Dosen Mekatronika
Alamat RT/RW. 01/05 Gading 5, Gading, Playen, Gunung Kidul  
Email woyo@pmsd.ac.id  
Website/blog www.modulpraktek.wordpress.com 
Pendidikan (D3) Mekatronika, Universitas Sanata Dharma.
(S1) Teknik Elektronika, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional.
(S2) Teknik Elektronika Terapan, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya.
Karya Ilmiah :


·Lecturer January 2012 - Present learn, teaching and research


·Electrical Engineer at TATONAS Mfg. April 2009 - November 2011 (2 years 8 months) researcher, drafter, assembly, quality control, programmer & IT


·Production Engineer at PT Kalbe Farma August 2008 - March 2009 (8 months) Operator & maintenance


·Research Engineer at PT. Dharma Polimetal January 2008 - April 2008 (4 months) researcher, drafter, programmer & assembly


·Electrical Engineer at Radio Engineering Industries August 2005 - January 2008 (2 years 6 months) PT. Radio Masdha Fm. coordinator technician, maintenance & operator



1.    Machine wood cutting STANNER

Oct 2016 – Present

Project description

program plc sneider & hmi, wiring, electrical, determine the thickness of the wood with a rotary encoder sensor, by adjusting the height of the saw. There are 4 saw blade for cutting wood with a thick initial 2 cm to 4 mm thick

2.    Indonesia Aburobocon Robot Contest 2017

Jan 2017 – Jan 2017

Project description

The Landing Disc robot (robot pelempar cakram)


3.    Indonesia Aburobocon Robot Contest 2016

Jun 2016 – Jun 2016

Project description

Make two robots . echo robot and hybrid robot.
Robot echo : An automatic robot. It doesnt have an actuator to drive itself. It receives driving energy from Hybrid Robot. Also It has to use only a steering actuator to control its direction to track the path. using a line sensor , to control the steering servo purposeful direction.
Robot Hibrid : uses three omni motors controlled by a joystick , also with EDF fan with a torque of 3 kg for blowing robot echo . then the hybrid robot can climb the pole to attach propellers on poles.


4.    Programmable PLC Siemens s7-200 Machine Counter Stacker

Apr 2015 – Apr 2015

Project description

wiring, program PLC siemens s7-200, motor servo+inverter LS, Pneumatic in PT Glory Offset . Delta Silicon 3, Cikarang, Jawa Barat.


5.    Fish Counter

Apr 2013 – Apr 2013

Project description

Tools for fingerling size sorting and counting the number of fish seed. Amount of data that is displayed on the LCD fish seed.


6.    program plc on injection machine in PT Kitani Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia

Sep 2012 – Nov 2012

Project description

OMRON PLC,,injection machine


7.    Motorcycle Security System with SMS

Aug 2012 – Aug 2012

Project description

safety when the motorcycle is parked and where the owner is able to monitor and control the ON / OFF motorcycle engine.


8.    Arduino to TV

May 2012 – May 2012

Project description

Displays signal wave form of capacitive sensors is processed in the Arduino is then displayed on the TV via RCA cable ...Project HonfLab


9.    Weather Station

Feb 2012 – Feb 2012

Project description

temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind direction stored on the micro sd and monitoring sms, twitter


10.  Voice Controlled Lights

Jan 2012 – Jan 2012

Project description

his tool serves to cultivate our voices to turn on some lights 220V AC. the workings of this tool first sound we recorded with the desired command example 1 ON lamp, 2 lamp ON, lamp OFF 1, OFF 2 lights. after recorded with a voice command microcontroller then was stored in memory. This tool has a relay output that serves as a switch to turn on the lights 220V AC. when the system is run by our command today compared with earlier recorded sound is the same, if the same then it will give a signal to the output relay to switch off the lights menhidupkan and AC 220 V.


11.  Motor Speed ​​Control and Monitor Via LAN network

Nov 2011 – Nov 2011

Project description

Control of the motor is a LAN network using Arduino and Ethernet shield as a controller. Sensors are used optocoupler which serves to determine the motor speed and direction of motor rotation. By typing the IP address in Mozilla Firefox no direct commands and data to perform the motor speed.


12.  Detection of Solvent Vaspors

Sep 2011 – Sep 2011

Project description

Tools for detecting gas vaspors solvent, if no gas is detected will display the value of the gas in units of ppm in LCD 16 × 2 ..,, then when it reaches a certain value will turn on the fan, to reduce the solvent content of gas ppm vaspors within a room.


13.  Egg incubator

Jul 2011 – Jul 2011

Project description

Tools for egg incubator, adjustable temperature and position of eggs at a time when we want.


14.  Counter Number of visitors to the library

Oct 2010 – Oct 2010

Project description

Tool to calculate the number of visitors to the library to use RFID sensors is then processed with a new microcontroller LCD display


15.  Waterbath

Apr 2010 – Apr 2010

Project description

Waterbath a water heater that reaches a maximum temperature of 150 degrees Celsius, the water content in the water bath first then chill temperature setting by pressing the UP, DOWN, and ENTER. UP button is used to set the temperature goes up, and down keys to set the temperature drops. when a predetermined reference temperature then press the ENTER button, then the display will change to show the temperature of the water in it .. and turn on the water heater. when the temperature had reached its referenced then the temperature control setting temperature will retain the beginning. heater will die. This tool uses Atmega microcontroller 8535 series, and display systems using 7segmen.

16.  Automatic Assist Wheelchair

Jun 2008 – Jun 2008

Project description

Wheelchair is powered by two 24-volt DC motor, using a PIC 16f877A kontrollernya. use the joystick as a motion sensor.  there is also an LCD as a viewer speed and battery indicator.


Feb 2008 – Feb 2008

Project description

a tool used to produce or provide oxygen to the level of concentration 70-90%.




1.    Application of artificial neural networks in modeling Direction Wheelchairs Using Neurosky Mindset Mobile (EEG) Device

publication dateJul 20, 2017  publication descriptionhttps://emitter.pens.ac.id/index.php/emitter/article/view/165

publication descriptionThe implementation of Artificial Neural Network in prediction the direction of electric wheelchair from brain signal input for physical mobility impairment.. The control of the wheelchair as an effort in improving disabled person life quality. The interaction from disabled person is helping in relation to social life with others. Because of the mobility impairment, the wheelchair with brain signal input is made. This wheel chair is purposed to help the disabled person and elderly for their daily activity. ANN helps to develop the mapping from input to target. ANN is developed in 3 level: input level, one hidden level, and output level (6-2-1). There are 6 signal from Neurosky Mindset sensor output, Alpha1, Alpha2, Raw signal, Total time signal, Attention Signal, and Meditation signal. The purpose of this research is to find out the output value from ANN: value in turning right, turning left, and forward. From those outputs, we can prove the relevance to the target. One of the main problem that interfering with success is the problem of proper neural network training. Arduino uno is chosen to implement the learning program algorithm because it is a popular microcontroller that is economic and efficient. The training of artificial neural network in this research uses 21 data package from raw data, Alpha1, Aplha2, Meditation data, Attention data, total time data. At the time of the test there is a value of Mean square Error(MSE) at the end of training amounted to 0.92495 at epoch 9958, value a correlation coefficient of 0.92804 shows that accuracy the results of the training process good.

Keywords: Navigation, Neural network, Real-time training, Arduino


2.    A Design of Brain Computer Interface Based Fuzzy Logic for Control of Motor Speed

publication dateMar 24, 2015  publication descriptionThe Fourth Indonesian-Japanese Conference on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing (KCIC) 2015 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya

publication descriptionOne of purpose developing applications that currently is Brain Computer Interface (BCI), where the digital system is used to translate the EEG signal for controlling a device. In this study for the realization of the motor speed control system with brain signals. The research methodology uses Fuzzy Logic Controller. This study aims to determine the output of some dc motor speed using Mamdani method, or often known as the min-max method.Type microcontroller used in this study is the Arduino Uno with ATmega328 chip, and utilize Memory of 8Kb maximum of 32KB of memory capacity on ATmega328 chip. Sensors are used to retrieve the data signal using NeuroSky Mindset brain. The result will be to distinguish the form of motor speed a slow, rather slow, medium, rather quickly, fast when consentration or attention user nerosky mindset increasing. 

Keywords : BCI, fuzzy logic, Neurosky Mindset




publication dateDec 24, 2014  publication descriptionSimposium Nasional RAPI XIII - 2014 FT Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

publication descriptionAntara otak dan bagian tubuh terhubung oleh saraf saraf dimana saraf memuat informasi untuk memerintahkan bagian tubuh. Informasi ini yang akan diklasifikasikan untuk mengetahui informasi sinyal apa yang terdapat pada otak manusia. Salah satu tujuan aplikasi yang saat ini berkembang adalah Brain Computer Interface (BCI), dimana sistem digital digunakan untuk menerjemahkan sinyal EEG untuk melakukan pengontrolan suatu perangkat. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Controller ini Fuzzy yang digunakan dengan metode mamdani. Untuk mengambil data sinyal otak ini menggunakan Neurosky Mindset. Hasil klasifikasi sinyal otak ini berupa sinyal yang berbeda antara lain Alfa/α, Beta/β, Tetha/θ, Gamma/δ, Attention, meditasi.

Kata Kunci :Klasifikasi sinyal, Logika fuzzy, Neurosky Mindset